Sunday, July 25, 2010

Racing through Summer

This has been one very busy summer. In late May, I began preparing Bible lessons for  a mission trip. In June, several from my church joined other 1Way Ministries team members in Arizona, where we held vacation Bible schools in various villages of the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation. What a great joy that was! Even the 113-degree days couldn't wilt the enthusiasm of the team or the kids. I'll confess to shedding more than a few tears when it was time to leave.

Once back in Indiana, I made ready for our own VBS, as well as for a few upcoming storytelling gigs. My original plan was to prepare the same set of biblical accounts for both VBSes, but God changed those plans. (Storytelling has taught me to be flexible, a skill that comes in handy when trying to follow the Lord's leading. He knows best the composition of each audience.)

The next big thing on my Summer 2010 list is the ACFW Conference, coming up in September. This will be my first time to attend, and I can hardly wait. But one doesn't sit idly by, checking off the days until the downtown Indianapolis Hyatt Regency throws open its doors to us. Judging from the emails on the ACFW loops, Christian writers around the world are working wildly to prepare. There are elevator pitches to be composed, one-sentences to be written, business cards to order, one-sheets and synopses to obsess over--and for crying out loud, what earrings should I wear to the awards dinner? [gasp for breath]

Expect to see at least a few blog entries related to the conference. It's cathartic, so please be patient. I've learned from seasoned writers--those who already have an agent and have multiple books published--that they too get nervous at the prospects of conference. It's key to focus that eager anticipation into productive enterprises. As for agents and editors, they really are "just folks." I keep telling myself that over and over.


  1. I hope you post about the conference, before AND after. Oh, how I wish I was attending with you.

    ~Britt Mitchell.

  2. Britt,

    I plan to keep something of a pre- and post-conference journal as a part of this blog. It will most likely take the form of a weekly summary feature.

    I was so hoping you would be in Indy, too. I'm eager to meet you in person. [sigh] Hopefully, I won't have to wait too long to do that.

    Write on!

    Because of Christ,

  3. I love you and I love your blog! I always find a word that I have to look up. Today's word is "cathartic." I liked its definition: elimination of complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression. That's a lot to say for one little word! I love it!

    I also am fascinated by what God has used you in these few summer weeks to do amazing things! Your awesome!

  4. Aw, thank you, ZZZZZZZZZ, for your kind words. God is Good and Faithful.

    Write on!

    Because of Christ,
