Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Comments, Please! I Just Love Comments!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Be sure to read the comments that other guests leave. I do, and I always learn something new. While you're on the "Comments" page, go ahead and share your own ideas and experiences. Write on!
Because of Christ,


  1. That's gotta be one of the cutest faces!

  2. :9)
    Of course, Linda! That's my older granddaughter, Allison, 5. Thanks for noticing!

    Because of Christ,

  3. Hey, Sharon!

    Thanks so much for the applause on my Hoosier Ink post this morning. Yanno, so many of us hate those obtrusive "study questions" at the end of novels that I have to wonder what focus group told the publishers that people needed them, anyway...


    My posts on Hoosier Ink will probably be among the ones with 'tude, as my critique partner would say. So be it. I'm a rabble rouser from way back, which is both a blessing and a curse. (!) But I'm glad someone's with me!

    Thanks again for the comment and the applause, and be sure to drop by my personal blog, too!

    (Janet W. Butler)
