Thursday, December 28, 2017

Introducing The Innkeeper's Wife

The Lord has nudged me for a couple of years to develop a Biblical character as a vehicle to tell His story. I've not been reluctant at all. Quite to the contrary, I've been eager, but I needed His direction. As He so often does, He let me ponder the matter, ruminate on it for a long time, before giving it to me as a fully-developed idea, and He presented it as He had other ideas--as I was coming awake one morning. The innkeeper's wife! There! I had it! The character and the program's title in one fell swoop. Thank You, Lord!

THE INNKEEPER'S WIFE is a one-woman storytelling drama in which I portray the wife of the innkeeper who nearly turned Joseph away when Miriam (Mary) was about to give birth to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus) in Bethlehem. As the fictional Tabitha (pronounced ta BEE tha), I will have assisted in the birth. I also will have witnessed the amazing events surrounding this Baby's birth. He's no ordinary baby. I befriend Miriam and keep in touch with the family throughout Jesus' ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to His Father.

I welcome your prayers as I launch this project. May the finished drama glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, and may He direct each step along the way to the inn.

Because of Christ,

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